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What is brand architecture?

Every brand is like a promise. A promise of specific value and quality. It is also a kind of incantation effect. Even the sincerest intentions are not enough if the product or service is not followed by reliable communication. It is said that "as they see us, so they write us". A seemingly trivial sentence conceals some truth. And what is always noticed are the emotions. Positive, negative or, even worse, indifferent.


People today want to listen to stories. Public reporting is nothing but narration, and narration is words, and words are spells. You have to know which spell to use to solve any problem or sell anything.

What are we talking about?

These two words conceal, first of all, the variety of your brand's offer that the consumer encounters when making a purchase decision. It is also the arrangement of relationships between the main brand and the other offer lines, products or other brands of the group. A key tool in brand architecture is the language of communication adapted to each group of consumers individually. A service or product should be presented differently to an architect and to a retail customer. A good plan, embedded in your brand architecture, allows you to respond quickly and, most importantly, effectively. Opportunity makes perfect, if we use it well. So it's worth catching them all, isn't it?

Speak to the architect in his language

Let's take the architects' audience as a case study. You have a well-working brand landing page, interesting leaflets, a creative photo shoot, but the target group is still out of reach. What could be the reason? The words you use to present your product or service.

We all know what preparing a dish from someone else's recipe looks like. We seem to have guidelines, clearly defined rules, but it only takes a small deviation and our dish does not match the expectations from the beginning of cooking. Is it always terrible, deserving to be thrown in the bin? No. Sometimes something much better comes out. The success of a brand depends on a well-developed strategy, which is a "signpost". This means that even if things don't go our way, the strategy will help us use the actual state of affairs to achieve what we set out to do. The world is rushing and does not wait for us to think through all the possibilities. To keep up, we need to act quickly and decisively, and this requires strategic implementation of the set objective.

Prepare the team for change

Every change, also in the process of managing a company, requires a good plan, strategy and consistent implementation without compromise. You can implement the changes yourself or entrust them to specialists. Regardless of which path you choose, be prepared for it. Your time and money are precious, spend them thoughtfully once on developing your brand architecture to get the best from the results later. A well-formed architecture will make it easier for you to bring new products to market, minimise the costs associated with building and promoting your brand and help increase your company's market share.


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